BELOVED Compassion Network offers a variety of compassion education programs for groups, teams, and organizations to learn, teach, and embody compassion.
Compassion programs for organizations can be tailored and customized to suit your organization’s unique context, background, and goals. We also offer both virtual and in-person formats, so that your entire team can join, no matter where they are.
BCN’s compassion programs teach a unique set of contemplative skills for wisely assessing and appropriately transforming personal, interpersonal, social, economic, and political dynamics. These skills enable people to deepen their capacities for compassionate working, collaborating, and living through:
- Personal practices of reflection, self-understanding, self-compassion, and decision-making that form non-reactive behavior
- Interpersonal practices of guided meditation, communication, compassion, and wise, creative actions that heal broken relationships
- Practices of social change that analyze, engage, and transform strife-torn situations within and between organizations, communities, and groups
Let's Connect
Bring BELOVED Compassion Network’s transformative compassion training to your group, team, or organization.
Email us at [email protected] to start the conversation.
Available Programming
The Compassion Practice: 24 Contact Hours offered in multiple formats ranging from 13 2-hour sessions to 2 full-weekend retreats
Introduction to the Compassion Practice (Half-Day Workshop)
Introduction to Self-Compassion (Full-Day Workshop)
Cultivating Self-Compassion (6 Sessions or 2-Day Retreat)
Cultivating Compassion for Difficult People (7 Sessions or 2-Day Retreat)
Cultivating a Culture of Compassion
Becoming a School of Compassion
Living Compassionately: Finding a Way Forward through Grief (Full-Day Workshop)
“Practicing Compassion” or “Compassion in Practice: The Way of Jesus” by Frank Rogers, Jr.
“Parts Work – An Illustrated Guide to Your Inner Life” by Tom Holmes with Lauri Holmes
“Sleeping with Bread – Holding What Gives You Life” (The “Examen”) by Dennis Linn, Sheila Fabricant Linn and Matthew Linn
“Bend without Breaking: Spiritual Practices for Building Resilience” (3-4 Sessions)
Emotional Health During and After Crisis (6 Session Video Course)
Forgiving Self and Others: A Pathway to Wholeness (4-6 Sessions)
Non-Violent Communication (3-4 Sessions)
Healing Sacred Wounds: A Retreat for Those Injured by Church (Two-Day Retreat)
“Life of the Beloved” by Henri J. Nouwen (4-6 Sessions)
“Sleeping with Bread – Holding What Gives You Life” (on “The Examen”) by Dennis Linn, Sheila Fabricant Linn and Matthew Linn
“Julian of Norwich: Wisdom in Pandemic and Beyond” by Matthew Fox (4-10 Sessions)
“Rest Is Resistance” by Tricia Hersey (4-5 Sessions)
“Between the Listening and the Telling: How Stories Save” by Mark Yaconelli (4-6 Sessions)
Previous Programs