BELOVED Compassion Network (BCN) has been teaching and facilitating the Compassion Practice since 2016. Its healing and transforming power have been especially impactful in the lives and ministries of Emerging Clergy and seminarians already serving in ministry.
The best witness comes from BCN’s students and practitioners. In the videos and written testimonies below, we hope you will hear their passion for the Compassion Practice and how they have learned to savor their own belovedness, to heal their inner reactivities, and to celebrate the belovedness of others . . . all in the presence of God.
“Everybody believes in compassion, but nobody tells you how to practice it. Until now.”
Brian McLaren, Public Theologian
The Compassion Practice thus brought me into a deeper relationship with myself and with God. I slowly realized just how difficult my last year had been, as I also remembered the abiding grace of the One who calls me Beloved.
—Rev. Rachel Cooley-Shawler
In justice work and ministry alike, the Compassion Practice provides a healing space and a source of energy from which we can care for ourselves and extend care to others.
—Dr. Seth Schoen
Through the Compassion Practice, we can truly “walk the talk” as followers of Jesus – seeing the Divine in our neighbors, in all their messy humanity, and when we look in the mirror, when it’s hard to see it in ourselves.
—Rev. MJ Johnston
Why the Compassion Practice?
The Compassion Practice is unique and uniquely suited for healing and transforming, especially for Emerging Clergy and serving seminarians, strengthening their faith and enriching their ministries. Here’s why:
The Compassion Practice invites Sacred Presence into the journey.
The Compassion Practice affirms the belovedness of all of God’s children.
The Compassion Practice incorporates a “you-turn” to address personal fears, longings, woundedness and obstructed gifts.
The Compassion Practice invites God’s presence into the healing and growing process.
The Compassion Practice teaches that compassion is not complete unless it is expressed in concrete actions that ease the suffering and promote the flourishing of oneself, others, or, most often, both!